Legal Expenses Insurance
If you are involved in a legal dispute, as well as being stressful to pursue, the costs of defending a claim can be very high.
Legal Expenses cover is designed to provide help and financial assistance should you become involved in a legal dispute*.
It will pay legal costs up to £100,000 including solicitors fees, court costs, attendance expenses and employment compensation awards.
It will also pay the costs of appealing or defending an appeal.
* a) For civil cases, the prospects that the insured person will recover losses or damages or a reduction in Tax or National Insurance liabilities (or obtain any other legal remedy that we have agreed to, including an enforcement of judgement), make a successful defence or make a successful appeal or defence of an appeal, must be at least 51%. We, or a preferred law firm or tax consultancy ion our behalf, will assess whether there arte reasonable prospects.
b) for criminal cases there is no requirement for there to be prospects of a successful outcome, however for appeals the prospect must be at least 51%,